了解更多 about all of the amazing work that the 环保创新中心 is doing across the Chesapeake Bay watershed and elsewhere. 与我们的合作伙伴一起, we are enhancing the pace and quality of conservation with groundbreaking technology.
To learn more about the 环保创新中心 and our recent work, 浏览下面的情况说明.
精确的保护项目在正确的地方, 正确的比例, 尺寸合适, 合适的时机, and making sure they are working—is going to redefine how landscape conservation is approached. 而不是大规模收购或无所不包的立法, we can use the latest high-resolution datasets to conduct advanced geospatial analysis that allows us to better target and implement on-the-ground agricultural and conservation best management practices.

Applying advanced spatial analysis techniques to prioritize conservation best management practices to ensure maximized ecosystem 服务 and have the greatest impact

利用航空图像, 激光雷达高程数据, and machine learning produce 1-meter resolution land cover maps for precision planning

Redefining the way stream channels are mapped by combining high-resolution terrain data and recent advancements in geomorphology and computer vision

Providing a high-resolution spatial change product quantifying tree canopy loss and gain at a regional scale.

Developing tools and user-friendly web-based platforms to identify and prioritize conservation and restoration opportunities

Enabling data access for partners with all levels of GIS proficiency to geoprocess and query data to support strategic conservation and restoration efforts

为本地保育组织提供地理信息系统资料, 服务, 并进行培训以鼓励效率, 具有成本效益的, 战略推广和项目实施

Mapping the visible landscape to understand the impacts of and guide strategic development that maintains the beauty of special vistas

和巴尔的摩市一起确定超过17岁,000 vacant lots could be transformed into useable green space using a powerful query tool and suitability analysis

Helping partners protect drinking water sources through land conservation by identifying land essential to drinking water safety.

Optimal Solar Siting for Maryland: A Pilot for Baltimore County and City
Identifying optimal solar sites and answering the key question: Are enough optimal sites available to meet Maryland’s renewable energy goals for solar energy?

First map of ground-mounted solar arrays provides new possibilities for land management planning and policy-making.