Mapping the John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail
While nothing beats the experience of seeing the beauty of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed firsthand, we’ve created 13 high-resolution virtual river tours along the trail, similar to Google Street View, so that you can plan your next adventure. Take a virtual tour of some of the trail’s scenic waterways, scope out the access site you plan to use, or just soak in the beauty from your screen with the perspective of a paddler. Our hope is to bring you a virtual tour of the entire Chesapeake Trail made possible by our supporters and through partnerships. Read more about the technology deployed in this partnership with We hope that the virtual tours will inspire and help plan a real trip to these beautiful rivers and waterways of the Chesapeake.

High resolution water based image data collection
Tangier Island
The disappearing Island
Explore Tangier Island in high resolution 360° imagery, preserved for future generations.